Columbo Asthma, Allergy and Immunology
Our patients who are receiving allergy injections, including biologic agents, need to schedule their injections by calling us in advance.
Your in person visit can be replaced, if necessary, by a video call visit with Dr. Columbo using the doxy.me platform. This platform is HIPAA-compliant and can be used using Google Chrome, Safari or Firefox browsers only. Other browsers such as Internet Explorer, Edge, or other search engines cannot be used with doxy.me. You will type: doxy.me/drmcolumbo in your browser to begin your video call visit at the time of your appointment. If you experience problems with the internet connection, call our office for advice.
You can schedule your telemedicine visit by calling our office: 610-527-2000. Please make sure that you are able to access doxy.me on your computer before your video visit and your health insurance plan covers telehealth services. These services are covered by Medicare and most commercial plans. Your video visit will then be billed to your insurance in the usual fashion and deductibles will apply if required by your insurance plan. Payment plans are available, if requested.
Welcome to the website for Columbo Asthma, Allergy and Immunology. We see adult and pediatric patients at two Pennsylvania locations, in Bryn Mawr, and Berwyn.
Dr. Columbo has extensive experience in the diagnosis and treatment of asthma, allergic rhinitis (hay fever), non-allergic rhinitis, sinusitis, insect allergy, food allergy, drug allergy, eczema, contact dermatitis, urticaria and angioedema (hives and swelling), and latex allergy. He also treats patients with less common immunologic diseases such as autoimmune diseases and immunodeficiencies. Dr. Columbo has significant experience in designing and conducting clinical studies in asthma and rhinitis.
Patient services available in our practice include allergen immunotherapy (allergy shots and oral tablets for dust mite, grass and ragweed allergy), allergy testing for pollens, inhalants, foods, and drugs. Testing for contact agents such as chemicals, fragrances, and metals is also offered. Pulmonary function tests are available. Opportunities for participation in clinical studies may also be available. Patient educational material on allergic and immunologic diseases is offered both at our offices and on our website.
Dr. Columbo is trained in adult as well as pediatric allergy and welcome patients aged four and older.
We hope you find this website helpful in your
health care decisions. Please call us with questions or for an appointment.